Hospital Security & Hotel Security

Hospital and Hotel Security Guard Services

As a hospital or hotel administrator, you understand the unique security challenges that you face every day. It is your responsibility to keep employee and their families safe while on your property.

At Off Duty Officers, we specialize in providing professional, reliable security protection for over 25 years of experience, our security consultants recognize the risks hospitals face. We work with highly-trained prior and off-duty law enforcement and military personnel who are equipped to handle your security needs.

Hospitals Have Unique Security Needs

When you think of a hospital, the concepts of safety, health, and healing might come to mind. The doctors, nurses, and other health professionals that walk the corridors tend to patients and ensure that the facility runs smoothly. However, other important jobs often go unnoticed, including that of the security guard. Security guards play a critical role in keeping staff and patients safe from the many potential threats that hospitals face.

Managing Access to Secure Areas: In a hospital, many areas are off-limits to patients, visitors, and even staff members. Patient lab samples, prescription drug storage, and floors that tend to high-risk patients need to be watched. Security guards can make sure that only authorized individuals are accessing these secure locations by checking credentials.

Mitigating Violence and Angry Patients: Tensions can run high in a hospital. Patients may have an adverse reaction to their treatment plan or diagnosis. Family members may become impatient, waiting to know more about the health of their loved ones. Angry outbursts are not uncommon and often lead to a feeling of uneasiness and fear among the other patients and visitors. Trained security guards have the skills to de-escalate the situation and restore calm and order.

Assisting Patients and their Families: While any trip to the hospital can be unnerving, patients facing an unknown diagnosis or a challenging course of treatment appreciate a welcoming face upon their arrival. Security guards not only protect people; they are often at the front lines of the patient experience. Friendly, compassionate guards can assist visitors in navigating the premises, helping them locate the correct department or the restrooms.

Responding to Theft: Hospitals are home to plenty of valuable assets and information, making them appealing targets for thieves. In addition to the enormous amount of personal patient data that can be found in a hospital, there are expensive equipment and personal care products that can make criminals a quick buck. Perhaps the most dangerous crime is that of prescription drug theft. Security guards can patrol these high-value areas to prevent theft while being ready to respond if drugs are stolen.

Hotel Security Guard

Our hotel security guards have experience working in many industries, and they understand that each industry has its particulars that require customized approaches. Hotel security requires a sharp mind and an even sharper eye. The entry doors that are kept unlocked to welcome guests can also welcome uninvited visitors. While respect and protection of your guests are always a priority, hotel security also requires being able to identify behaviors and other details that reveal if someone is acting suspiciously. Our highly trained hotel security guards, many of whom are former law enforcement or military, are well-trained in assessing risk, people, behavior, and more.

Duty Officers provide the following services for clients working in the hospital and healthcare industries:
  • Parking lot mobile patrols
  • Parking garage security
  • Hospital mobile patrols
  • Patient assistance
  • Lobby security
  • Access management
  • High-risk area security
  • Protection of valuable assets and equipment

For Your Staff
Hotel staff is another priority when it comes to our security services. Whether it is to protect the staff in an emergency or to protect them from unwanted behavior, our security consultants know just when their services are required and how to manage any situation. In the best situations, for long-term services, the hospital security guards we send to your hotel become part of the family, doing what is necessary to protect the staff.

For Your Property
Hotel properties also require protection just as much as people. In addition to the risk of property damage, hotels are vulnerable to intrusion by people who are not guests because it is easy for people to walk in the door and into areas where they are not supposed to be. Areas that are open to staff, such as on-site kitchens or storage rooms, are especially susceptible to intrusion and possible theft. Our security consultants are available 24/7 for the protection of your hotel property, and all and any who are on it.

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