Commercial Security

Our professional security will be assigned to keep trespassers, intruders, and burglars at bay, commercial security systems provide real-time monitoring and surveillance through alarm systems and security cameras.

Other technologies and equipment can include keycard access control, intercom systems, fire and life safety, and smart technologies. Employee communications and productivity also benefit, through specialized data and analytics reporting. While business owners can pick and choose what’s best, understanding various technologies and available features can be cumbersome.

Whether you require a standalone alarm system or a full commercial security solution, it’s best to enlist a professional for an on-site inspection and survey, along with customized technology recommendations.

Commercial Security Features & Benefits

Even if your business is located in a relatively safe area, burglaries, break-ins, and vandalism can still occur, especially in poorly lit locations without cameras and alarms, or other protective measures.

While most of these crimes occur at night and after hours, there are even higher theft and employee safety risks for 24/7 business operations. Aside from a traditional burglar alarm system, other protective measures of commercial security systems include indoor, outdoor, and front-door cameras; fire alarms and life safety devices; access control; intercom systems; and real-time video surveillance.

Whether hiring a professional or conducting your review, it’s best to consider the following:
  • How many entrances and exits are located throughout the building?
  • What are the physical features of the space and location?
  • How many employees work on the premises? How will they securely enter and exit?
  • Are there any vulnerable or weakened entry points?
  • How many easily accessible windows are located throughout the building?
  • Do employees stay past daylight? If so, how many will be present after hours and on weekends? Where will they be?
  • What types of additional security will be required for 365/24/7 operations?
Commercial Security Technology, Devices & Equipment

Burglar Alarm Systems
Comprising a control panel, keypad, and contact sensors, alarm systems can be purchased as a bells-only solution to deter potential intruders. For added 24/7 protection, consider a smart alarm system with real-time Central Station Monitoring to immediately dispatch local first responders and emergency services.

Fire & Life Safety Devices
For added protection within and around your commercial property, having regularly maintained and inspected devices such as carbon monoxide detectors, and smoke and fire alarms can be the difference between injuries, damages, and even death.

Indoor/Outdoor Security Cameras & Video Surveillance
Adding indoor, outdoor, and front-door cameras can grant even higher protection levels. This technology can also assist law enforcement in identifying and apprehending would-be thieves and vandals.

Thermal Imaging Cameras
Many traditional technology devices such as thermal imaging cameras have pivoted to help thwart the coronavirus community spread. While this technology can detect fevers leading to possible infections, it cannot screen for the virus or antibodies.
These cameras help with individual spot monitoring, and in dense areas for group checkpoints at grocery stores, hospitals, airports, offices, and retail environments.

Intercom/Entrance Systems
Also referred to as telephone entry systems, two-way intercoms provide an extra security layer for employee, property, and asset protection. They also keep any persona non grata at bay at your facility’s entrance and exit points for access control.
Consider combining this with front-door cameras for additional security and contactless communications.

Keycard Access Systems
When an employee or authorized guest swipes, taps, or inserts their keycard, its magstripe or chip grants access through a uniquely designed code. After the card reader accepts the authorized credential, it sends a quick signal to the specified door or entryway to unlock.
When combined with other smart systems, keycard technology provides other safeguards, such as personalized access levels, safety audits, and employee activity log management.

VoIP Phone Systems
General Security has partnered with RingCentral to offer VoIP phone systems to commercial and small businesses. Certain features and benefits can ensure employees never miss a call, meeting, or message—whether they’re out of the office or simply away from their desks.
When integrated with a smart commercial security package, a VoIP solution provides ease of use, scalability, flexibility, and more.

Vehicle Tracking & Monitoring Systems
From monitoring employee whereabouts, productivity, and driving, to conducting vehicle diagnostics, movement detection, and theft prevention, a fleet management tracking tool such as Connected Car provides invaluable insights from the mobile app.
Business owners can also track activities such as driver habits and schedules, and other accountability measures. This also includes real-time information on important diagnostics such as oil and tire pressure, fuel consumption, engine warnings, battery life, and more.

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